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Resilience Coaching

Resilience or adaptability describes how we react to resistance, problems or changes by adapting our behaviour. 

You can compare it a little with sailing. When wind, waves, weather or the competitive situation in a regatta changes, the crew must react quickly and optimally.

The longer they remain idle, the higher the risk for crew and material and the poorer the chances of success in the competition.


The same is true in


with teams or leaders.


Change is the rule in today's world, and only if adaptation succeeds swiftly, organizations remain crisis-proof, teams remain stable and successful

and executives remain motivated.

Sailing yacht race. Yachting. Sailing regatta._.jpg

Resilience for leaders

You deal with topics such as:


  • Is resilience just a matter of attitude? What makes it up?


  • How does my personality or biography contribute to my resilience?


  • What strengthens my resilience?


  • Where are my risk factors and how can I minimize them?

Resilience for organizations

You deal with topics such as:


  • What is the importance of resilience in the modern working world shaped by New Work?


  • How do we strengthen our resilience in the current (market) situation?


  • How can our organization become more resilient?


  • Are we fast, flexible and agile enough to react or even anticipate changes?

Resilience for teams

You deal with topics such as:


  • How can my individual resilience support the team?


  • How do we deal with mistakes or failures?


  • How resilient are we as a whole?


  • What resources do we have and do we use them?

Abstrakter Hintergrund

Resilience Coaching with the
Executive FiRE Index

As a resilience coach, I work with the Executive FiRE index tool from Leadership Choices. This tool makes it possible to gauge a person's individual resilience using the FiRE model. The model is based on three different areas, called traits, habits and states.

The former are strongly influenced by our personality and are therefore stable. On the other hand, we can influence our habits (our behavior) and thus actively increase our resilience.

The so-called states, in turn, reflect our current life satisfaction which also affects our resilience.



Inventory by means

of initial analysis

First you complete an online questionnaire, which is available in both German and English. Immediately afterwards you will receive your results in a report, which describes the current status quo of your individual resilience.

In resilience workshops with teams, this questionnaire is filled out independently by all team members.


Coaching process & phase of change

Together we will then discuss the results in detail,

look at your traits, habits and states and determine relevant factors for strengthening your personal resilience as well as identifying any risk factors.

Depending on your results, this is followed by coaching sessions or,  with teams coaching workshops, and, if applicable, also training.


Second analysis & closing discussion

After completion

of the coaching process

or the training, a second online analysis is carried out to measure the improved resilience.

Above all, the aspects that can

be influenced, the habits,

but also the possibly changed current living conditions, the states, are once again

looked at in detail.

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